
国際情報、戦略立案ならSIA, Nagoya Japan

国際情報、戦略立案ならSIA, Nagoya Japan

SIA2010年経済講演会:第一部 インド経済現状報告



11月28日午後1時-2時半 会場 SIA
講師 Dr. Paul Justin(国籍 インド 名古屋商科大学)
参加費 2千円(要予約)3時-相談会開催(参加費用5千円)
会場 佐々木インターナショナルアカデミー第一会議室

講師Paul Justin氏はマグロウヒル等から数冊著書を出している新進気鋭のインド出身の国際ビジネスの専門家です。Paul Justin氏の経歴については以下の英文、及びホームページをご覧下さい。Paul Justin氏はこれまでもSIAの要請に答え定期的に講演をしていますが、インドの方特有の強いアクセントのある英語です。このため通訳ご希望の方は事前に連絡下さい。要望が多ければSIA通訳部門担当者が対応いたします。更なるインドビジネス、経済等インド情報を必要とする方、企業の方、SIAではセミナー、コンスルティングも行います。当日は3時より希望者に対する相談会、意見交換会も企画(参加費用5千円、要予約)していますので是非参加下さい。

Dr Justin Paul is known worldwide as an author of four text books - Business Environment & International Marketing by McGraw-Hill, Export-Import Management by Oxford University Press and International Business by PHI. He has also co-authored a book Banking & Financial Services for Pearson Education and edited two books on Management Strategies and policies. He is currently a professor with the Graduate School, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business- Japan, an AACSB accredited business school.

He started his career as Officer - Corporation Bank and moved to academics later. He has taught at South Indian Bank Staff Training College, University of Washington Business School-Seattle, University of Puget Sound, St.Martyn's University-USA, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade and has been an invited speaker and trainer for South East Asian Bank-Mauritious, Al Omaniya Financial Services-Oman, Fudan University-Shanghai, University of San Francisco, SP Jain Institute- Dubai and University of New South Wales, Sydney. He has served as Department Chairperson at Indian Institute of Management, a premier business
school at a young age. He has published 25 research papers in refereed journals and numerous articles in leading newspapers.
He has been Ph.D thesis examiner to four universities and is also
on the Editorial Review Board of three refereed journals.

Dr Justin Paul has taught wide range of courses for MBA students in many countries. He offers training and consultancy assignments on many business related issues including strategic management. His clients in the past include Tata Group, Government of India, and a few exporting companies.

Dr. Justin has been distinguished as 'Role Model' by 'Careers & Campuses' magazine and as 'Achiever' by 'The Hindu' newspaper. He has also secured international level awards for Best Research Papers and Case studies, instituted for faculty members by London School of Business, Association of Indian Management Schools etc. He was a consistent rank holder at Bachelors and Masters Degree levels and was awarded UGC Fellowship for Ph.D at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also an alumnus of Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. Dr. Justin has also got rich experience of offering career and personality development programs for youngsters. He has widely traveled and interacted with thousands of students.


佐々木 賢治
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