
真剣に学ぶ方対象夏休英語講座開講。受付、英語力判定入学試験は8月4日迄入学試験 2時間、受験料12,000円



海外の大学が厳しいからではありません。英語読解力不足のためです。日本語なら1時間50頁読める人が、英語では10頁も読めません。英米人が鼻歌交じりで2時間で読める本を10時間かけても追いつかない。単純な理由です。英語の処理速度が遅いので当然、議論は出来ません。誤解とウソが罷り通る困った英語教育の現状です。 SIA編纂英語指導書より

8月3日午後3時からのSIA時事英語討論中級、Rich Porter's English Discussionの議題とその説明です。その下に3月2日ー7月27日の毎週の議題を掲載しています。今話題マッカーサーと昭和天皇を扱った映画は5ヶ月前に「130323 Movie Coming to Japan: Emperor」の議題で取り上げ討論しています。絶えず3ヶ月から半年時代の先を行く議論を心掛けています。

130803 Carolyn Kennedy’s Upcoming Ambassadorship to Japan

Some press articles are reporting that the U.S. Senate will surely confirm President Obama’s nomination of Carolyn Kennedy as ambassador to Japan. A number of his other nominations have been deemed controversial by Republicans, so there has been some doubt. Members will discuss this nomination situation along with the pros and cons of her appointment. In addition, participants will focus on her significance in relation to the rich history of the Kennedy family over the decades. This discussion will occurr this Saturday at 3:00 PM.

130727 TEPCO’s Failure to Control Radioactive Contanimation
130720 Asiana Air to Sue San Francisco TV Station
130713 San Francisco Airplane Crash
130706 Japan and Oil During World War II
130629 Japans Renewable Energy Use Advances
130622 Elevating the Role of Women
130615 Japan's Backing of Syria's Opposition Forces
130608 Abenomics: Is it working?
130601 Flying in the Dreamliner (Part II)
130525 Flying in the Dreamliner
130511 Groundwater Problem at the Dai-ichi Plant
130427 24 Hour Public Transportation Service
130420 So-Net’s New ISP Service
130413 Japan’s Defense Against a North Korean Missile Attack
130406 The New Threat from North Korea
130330 The Movie Emporer (Part 2)
130323 Movie Coming to Japan: Emperor
130316 Fukushima Aftermath: Radiation in the Food?
130309 Caroline Kennedy as Ambassador to Japan
130302 Abe's Battle Against Deflation Continues

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★ 語学教育、翻訳・通訳、国際ビジネスはSIA




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