
名古屋商工会議所 那古野2010年10月号(大) 国際ビジネスのコンビニ、翻訳、通訳、語学教育のご相談は国際ビジネスのプロフェッショナルハウスSIA

名古屋商工会議所 那古野2010年10月号(大) 国際ビジネスのコンビニ、翻訳、通訳、語学教育のご相談は国際ビジネスのプロフェッショナルハウスSIA

110311-SIA評論「沖縄問題、米国務省のケビン・メア日本部長発言に学ぶ」:Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモ 参考情報源:琉球新報ホームページhttp://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/storyid-174372-storytopic-3.html

SIAの佐々木です。ケビン・メア(Kevin K. Maher)米国務省日本部長の発言が大きく日本のマスメディアで取り上げられましたので、問題の重要性から今回の評論は公開とし、発言メモ原文とされるものと一部評論を送ります。(SIA評論講読希望の方は申込み下さい。)


尚、Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモに基づく、沖縄問題を通して垣間見える日米問題の本質と題し、明日3月12日午後1時より第716回SIA国際フォーラムを開催しますので、お時間がありましたら参加下さい。

3月12日午後1-2時半 オブザーバー参加費2千円
Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモ
講師 佐々木 賢治


英文にはタイプミスも多く、句読点にも疑問があり、琉球新報でタイプしたものとSIAでは判断していますので、念のため琉球新報のホームページをご覧下さい。このため、実際の学生が作ったとされるメモとは微妙な違いがあるかもしれません。しかし、仮に微妙な相違があっても、それは琉球新報の意図的な問題ではなく担当者の能力的な問題ですから、ここでは省略します。日本として学ぶべき多くの重要な視点がありますが、3点のみにここでは留めます。一点は沖縄の政治家の二枚舌(ここで指摘されている事は事実です。)、二点目は米軍と自衛隊との軍事訓練目的、有事、すなわち軍事的脅威に対する訓練、準備の違い。この点もこのメモが指摘している問題点は正しいと判断しています。三点目は、憲法九条の問題。Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモは、日本の憲法九条の存在によって如何に米国が特権を得ているかを指摘しています。この部分は、米国政府として口が裂けても喋らせたくなかった部分です。私が米国政府関係者であれば、即刻罷免します。ただし、その目的は日本のメディアの理解とは全く逆に理由によります。末尾をご覧下さい。

以下、Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモ琉球新報ホームページ

United States Department of States Briefing
December 3rd, 4pm, at the Department of State

-Department of State:
Mr. Kevin K. Maher, Director of the Office of Japan Affairs
-American University:
14 Members of Alternative Break Trip to Okinawa, Japan, Winter Break
2010, "U.S. Military Bases and Their Impacts in Okinawa, Japan"

※All opinions and claims are from Mr. Maher

-I was the Consul General in Okinawa until 2009. It is said that a half of U.S. bases in Japan is located in Okinawa, but the statistic only includes bases used exclusively by the US Military. If all bases, US bases and bases jointly used by the US and JSDF, are considered, the percent of bases in Okinawa is much lower.
-The controversial bases in Okinawa were originally in the middle of rice fields, but are now in the middle of towns because Okinawans allowed urbanization and population growth to surround United States facilities.
-The US bases in Okinawa exist for regional security. The Japanese obligation under the US-Japan security treaty is to provide land for bases. The relationship between Japan and the US under the security treaty is asymmetric and benefits the Japanese to the detriment of the US. Japan is not obligated to defend the United States if US forces are attacked, but the United States must defend and protect Japan’s people and property.
-Collective security is not a constitutional issue, but a policy issue.

-Eighteen thousand (18,000) US Marines and an air wing are stationed in Okinawa. The United States needs bases in Okinawa for two reasons: bases are already there and Okinawa is an important geographical location.
- (While showing a map of East Asia) US Forces Japan is headquartered in Tokyo and is the location of a logistics hub that would coordinate supplies and troops in the event of a crisis. Misawa, an important base in the Cold War, is the closest U.S. base to Russia and the base at Iwakuni is only 30 min from Korea, yet Okinawa’s geographic location is important to regional security.
-Okinawa was an independent Kingdom paying tribute to China, although it has never been a part of China. The U.S. occupied Okinawa until 1972.
-The Okinawan people’s anger and frustration is directed at Japan rather than the United States.The DPJ government does not understand Okinawa. The Japanese government does not have a “pipe” of communication to Okinawa. When I offer to contact people in Okinawa DPJ officials say “Yes! Yes, please!” The LDP communicated with Okinawa and understood Okinawan concerns better than the current DPJ government.
-One third of people believe the world would be more peaceful without a military. It is impossible to talk with such people.
-The 2009 electionbrought the DPJ to power, which was the first change in the government of Japan.Hatoyama was a leftist politician. Despite the DPJ and PM Hatoyama, the US and Japan managed to issue the 2+2 statement in May. (Mr. Maher left the room and two his colleagues gave a lecture about the US-Japan economic relationship. Mr. Maher returned to resume his lecture and the two officials left the room.)

-The US will relocate 8000 Marines from Futenma to Guam in order to reduce the US Military footprint on Okinawa. The plan will allow the US to maintain a military presence in the region to provide regional security and deterrence capability.Under the Roadmap, Japan will provide money for the relocation and it is a sign of a tangible effort from Japan. The DPJ government has delayed implementation, but I am confident that government will implement the existing plan. Tokyo needs to tell the Okinawan Governor, “if you want money, sign it [agree to the relocation plan].”
-There is nowhere else to base US Marines. The DPJ suggested a replacement facility in mainland Japan, but there is no place in mainland Japan for the US Military.
-Japanese culture is a culture of "Wa" (harmony) that is based on consensus. Consensus building is important in Japanese culture. While the Japanese would call this “consensus,” they mean “extortion” and use this culture of consensus as a means of “extortion.” By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible. Okinawans are masters of “manipulation” and “extortion” of Tokyo.
-Okinawa's main industry is tourism. While there is an agricultural industry, the main industry is tourism. Although Okinawans grow goya, other prefectures grow morethan Okinawa. Okinawans are too lazy to grow goya.
-Okinawa has the highest divorce rate, birthrate (especially out of wedlock) and drunk-driving rate due to Okinawa’s culture of drinking liquor with high alcohol content.
-You should be carefulabout “tatemae and honne” while in Japan. Tatemae and honne is the “idea that words and actual intentions are different." While in Okinawa, I said MCAS Futenma “is not especially dangerous." My statements caused Okinawans to protest in front of my office. Although Okianwans claim MCAS Futenma is the most dangerous base in the world,they know it is not true. Fukuoka Airport and Osaka Itami Airport are just as dangerous.
-Japanese politicians do Tatemae and Honne all the time. Okinawan politicians will agree to a negotiation in Tokyo but return to Okinawa and claim they did not. The US Ambassador and other representatives to Japan are constantly criticized for speaking the truth because the Japanese culture is too focused on tatemae and honne.

-The US Military and JSDF have different mentalities. The US Military trains to prepare for possible deployment, but the JSDF train without actually preparing for deployment.
-Local people oppose to night training by the US Military but it is necessary because modern warfare is often fought at night. Night training is essential to maintain deterrence capability.
-I don’t think Article Nine of the Japanese Constitution should change. I doubt it will ever be changed. It would be bad for the United States if the Japanese Constitution was changed because Japan would not need the United States’ Military. If the Japanese Constitution was changed the United States would not be able to use Japanese land to advance US interests. The high host nation support the Japanese government currently paysis beneficial to the US.We’ve got a very good deal in Japan.



このため、実際の学生が作ったとされるメモとは微妙な違いがあるかもしれません。しかし、仮に微妙な相違があっても、それは琉球新報の意図的な問題ではなく担当者の能力的な問題ですから、ここでは省略します。日本として学ぶべき多くの重要な視点がありますが、3点のみにここでは留めます。一点は沖縄の政治家の二枚舌(ここで指摘されている事は事実です。)、二点目は米軍と自衛隊との軍事訓練目的、有事、すなわち軍事的脅威に対する訓練、準備の違い。この点もこのメモが指摘している問題点は正しいと判断しています。三点目は、憲法九条の問題。Kevin K. Maher米国務省日本部長発言英文メモは、日本の憲法九条の存在によって如何に米国が特権を得ているかを指摘しています。この部分は、米国政府として口が裂けても喋らせたくなかった部分です。私が米国政府関係者であれば、即刻罷免します。ただし、その目的は日本のメディアの理解とは全く逆に理由によります。

-Japanese politicians do Tatemae and Honne all the time. Okinawan politicians will agree to a negotiation in Tokyo but return to Okinawa and claim they did not. The US Ambassador and other representatives to Japan are constantly criticized for speaking the truth because the Japanese culture is too focused on tatemae and honne.

-The US Military and JSDF have different mentalities. The US Military trains to prepare for possible deployment, but the JSDF train without actually preparing for deployment.
-Local people oppose to night training by the US Military but it is necessary because modern warfare is often fought at night. Night training is essential to maintain deterrence capability.

-I don’t think Article Nine of the Japanese Constitution should change. I doubt it will ever be changed. It would be bad for the United States if the Japanese Constitution was changed because Japan would not need the United States’ Military. If the Japanese Constitution was changed the United States would not be able to use Japanese land to advance US interests. The high host nation support the Japanese government currently paysis beneficial to the US.We’ve got a very good deal in Japan.


佐々木 賢治
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