
開催予定3月19日午後1時- 718回SIA国際フォーラム 海外報道に見る大地震と対策

SIAの佐々木です。昨日の「110315-SIA情報:東北関東大震災とリスク管理、危機発生後の重点対策:1万人を超える行くへ不明者救済対策と東電原発問題」への反響、ご意見有難う御座います。又3月12日朝より発信している「To Friends of SIA all over the world」への反響も大きく、その一部として、今朝着信を確認しました事例4件を報告します。ご質問は佐々木までどうぞ。

4つの事例は?即応予備自衛官、(株)飯島産業 河野邦彦氏からの一報、?既に5名の方が名古屋から現地に赴き救済活動を続けているグループ「Humanity First Japan, 2-1602 Kifune, Meitoku, Nagoya my mail address: mohammad.abdullah@gmail.com」、その代表者Muhammad Abdullah氏(インド出身)、?寄付申込のJames Wood氏(オーストラリア出身)、?カナダ赤十字の募金活動を伝えるShahid Anjum氏(トロント在住、パキスタン出身)。なお、この3氏は何れもSIA国際フォーラム講師経験者です。その報告は英文のまま掲載します。この4氏に、河野氏の勤務先の飯島産業関係者も感謝したいと思います。?のグループは今夕にも新たなグループ派遣を予定しており、河野氏は今日明日にも即応予備自衛官として活動に参加されると思います。




私が所属している第10師団 第49普通科連隊は即応予備自衛官を中心としたコア部隊と呼ばれるもので現職自衛官より即応予備自衛官のほうが多い部隊になりますが、現職自衛官による先発隊は13日(日)にすでに現地に向かっています。





Dear sasaki San

Thank you very much for your effort.

Our organization sent a team of 5 members with foods & water to distribute there and right now they are
in Sendai.If anybody wants to help food materials, money et we can accept at our two offices in Nagoya and Tokyo.

Tonight the second team will laeve Nagoya with foods and gas etc to cook there .We will be there for 2 months atleast.

We can accept the followings:
Rice, Water bottles,juices, dry foods, and donations.

Our organisation (volunteer) is Humanity First Japan, 2-1602 Kifune, Meitoku, Nagoya
my mail address: mohammad.abdullah@gmail.com

Thanks and let us pray at least for all sufferers.

Muhammad Abdullah

Dear James:

Thank you very much for your offer. Please come to my office and we will pass your money to the organization we think most appropriate, and later I will inform you the name of institution with the record.

Kenji Sasaki
----- Original Message -----
From: James Wood
To: SIA Inc.
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:44 PM
Subject: Making a donation

Hi Mr. Sasaki,

I would like to make a donation to one of the organisations listed in the email before (for the earthquake), but I can't make it in dollars via credit card. i can only do it with yen. is there any chance i could come and give you the money in your office, and then you could pass it on to appropraiate organisations?

Yours Truly,

Dear Sasaki Sensei!

It is very shocking to hear about the severe earthquake that has hit Japan on Friday and then the aftershocks later on. I hope that all of your family members and friends will be safe and sound.

I pray that the places and families that have been affected by the earthquake recover from trauma brought by Mother Nature and start afresh in their life. In Canada, people are taking part actively in donation banks that have been set up for Canadian Red Cross to help the victims of this earthquake.

Wishing all the best for you and for all near and dear ones, in coping with this national tragedy.

Best regards!

Shahid Anjum, Toronto



佐々木 賢治

Please be aware that the information related with the earthquake in any language is prepared by SIA Information Help Network for the Earthquake Sufferers with Volunteer Translation Work, is not SIA’s professional translation, which goes through three steps of editing and translation accuracy confirmation.

Kenji Sasaki
SIA Inc.: Sasaki International Academy
Youth Maruetsu Bldg. 5F.
Tsubaki-Cho 17-15 Nakamura-Ku
Nagoya-shi, Japan 453-0015
Tel: 81-52-452-5526 Fax 81-52-452-5536
e-mail siabest@sun-inet.or.jp
Professional House of International Business and Education:
Consultation, and Translation & Interpretation for the World!




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